USI Required

From the 1st January 2015 all Registered Training Organisations are required to collect and verify a Unique Student Identifier (USI) for all students, new and currently enrolled. The USI is a requirement under the Commonwealth legislation and conditions of registration for all Registered Training Organisations. A Unique Student Identify (USI) is a 10 digit code provided to you via the USI Registry that will uniquely identify you and all your training results and records for years come, in an online account that you can access at any time. 

Please note : We must hold a valid USI for you before we can issue a qualification or statement of attainment.

For Further Information:

Call the Real Coach team on 1300 124 125 and we can assist you.

For Government Resources

Contact Skills Australia Information Line by phone: 13 38 73 by email: visit website:\

Government USI Video explaining the process, click here